The ideal place to discover educational articles on math, free activities, Netmath news and lots more.
Math in the day-to-day
Teaching math
11.06.2019 | Sunil Singh
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Playing Games: The Future of Mathematics
Both mathematics and games have long and illustrious histories. They both have represented the social and cultural thinking and imagination of the times. As well, they have pl
Free resources and activities
Teaching math
01.04.2017 | Scolab
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Adding Fractions, Demystified!
Activities used by Valérie Lebel, math resource teacher.
Teaching math
12.13.2016 | Simon Lavallée
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Fraction Number Sense
Understanding fractions clearly with Valérie Lebel, math resource teacher.
Teaching math
10.12.2016 | Scolab
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Netmath: Smart Features for Students
From the Schoolbag to the Tablet, the Benefits of Digital Learning.
Teaching math
10.04.2016 | Scolab
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Netmath: 5 Essential Features for Teachers
Tools designed for you With Netmath, we aim to save you time in supporting students throughout their learning. Valuable time that you can reuse to resolve areas identified as obstacles to learning.
Teaching math
09.29.2016 | Scolab
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How to monitor your students’ progress with Netmath?
Assign specific activities, choose what you want to track and get accuracy reports to be closer to your students needs!